Saturday, July 16, 2005

Morning Rituals

Today someone asked me if I had any morning rituals and this is what I answered:

I get up at five and do these spiritual processes for like two hours ( except maybe longer if I fall asleep during the middle of them), then I check my email, yell at someone to wake up and hook up a IV line of coffee directly into my cerebral cortex-but they don't get up so I play Eminem for twenty minutes and that doesn't work so I begin to sing old show tunes really loud until the coffee comes (and this kind of sucks because I can never remember ALL the words to any one tune so it's more like a medley of 'Oklahoma,' stuff from Westside Story, the theme from Chorusline, and 'Grease,') then I stare at the 1000 pages of a book that has been sitting there for a month ready to edit, then I remember that I had a dream which told me that I'm supposed to already be working on another project but I'm not even done with the 1000 page project that was supposed to be the warmer-up project and then I think about photography series I'm supposed to work on but haven't in the last few months and the website that I now know what I'm gonna do with but haven't yet and then ...I nap.

Yeah, I've kinda been in a rut.


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